Four Types of Guild Memberships
1. Active Membership is available to all teachers age 18 and above. Yearly dues are beginning July 1 and expiring June 30. Dues are nonrefundable.
2. Active Member-Probational is a special category for probational members who have been reported by three different judges as having not met Guild standards (the years need nor be consecutive). Teachers placed on probation may not enter programs above the District level and each program must be approved by Guild Headquarters prior to Auditions. This “probational” status is removed once a teacher has successfully met Guild standards for three consecutive judging seasons. A warning
Netter will be sent to a teacher when two negative reports have been received from judges.
3. Faculty Membership is available only to Guild members holding music degrees and whose training and experience meet the basic educational requirement for future consideration as Guild judges. The faculty membership is also open to faculty members or a college or conservatory. When applying for faculty membership, please request and complete a data sheet on training and experience. Once Guild receives this data sheet, three recommendation form will be sent which the applicant forwards to three colleagues who will act as professional references. Annual dues are beginning July 1 and expiring June 30. Dues are nonrefundable.
4. Associate Membership is available for retired piano teachers. Annual dues are beginning July 1 and expiring June 30. Dues are nonrefundable. The Associate Member may enroll a maximum of two students in Auditions, and will receive all mailings and Piano Guild Notes.