Guild Audition Enrollment
NOTE: You may use the NEW Student Enrollment Form to enroll your students in any of the following Guild Auditions: In-Person (whenever possible), Online (via FaceTime, Skype or Zoom, etc.) or Video (via YouTube). If you are enrolling in any combination of these, you must submit a separate Enrollment Form for each.
1. There are two ways to utilize the NEW Student Enrollment Form. Before proceeding, you will need to determine how you will enroll and pay for your student Auditions:
a) When submitting a Money Order or Teacher check: complete and print the Enrollment Form, Mail the printed Form with the Money Order or Teacher check to Guild Headquarter’s address (see #3 below).
b) When paying by Debit Card, Credit Card or PayPal: complete the Enrollment Form and proceed to the Payment Processing Section.
When completing the Enrollment Form, be sure to spell the students’ names correctly since their Certificates will be written by our calligraphers from the information submitted. Be Extremely Careful!
2. On the Student Enrollment Form, list students’ name, number of years as a National Winner (performing 10 pieces or more, including the current year), classification, number of pieces being enrolled and student enrollment fee for each student. When listing classifications, use:
EA, EB, EC, ED, EE or EF for Elementary, use ES for Elementary Special
IA, IB, IC, ID, IE or IF for Intermediate, use IS for Intermediate Special
PA, PB, PC or PD for Preparatory, use PS for Preparatory Special
CA, CB, CC or CD for Collegiate or YA for Young Artist
To enroll in the Jazz classification, type “J” before the classification and number of pieces
To enroll in the Hobbyist classification, type “H” before the classification and number of pieces
To enroll in the Duet/Duo/Trio/Quartet classification, type “D” before the classification and number of pieces
To enroll in the Ensemble classification, type an “E” before the classification
(CERTIFICATE CHANGES: $15.00 per student by mail, plus an additional $20.00 if by phone or email)
3. If you choose NOT to pay online for your enrollment, PLEASE REMEMBER: collect all Student Fees and enclose the Total Student Enrollment Fees (plus $15.00 shipping & handling fee) in ONE Money Order or Teacher’s check. Mail the single check WITH THIS FORM to AMERICAN COLLEGE OF MUSICIANS, P.O. Box 9469, Austin, Texas 78766-9469 (preferably by February 1). A check or Money Order received without the Enrollment Form will NOT be scheduled until the Enrollment Form is received. An Enrollment Form received without a Money Order or check or with an unsigned check or post-dated check will NOT be scheduled until payment is received. (Enrollment Forms with multiple checks will be returned and not scheduled until a single check is issued.)
4. Those enrolling early (preferably before February 1) may make requests for special times. Please make these requests very brief and enroll as early as possible to increase the likelihood of being assigned your requested dates. The Scheduling Department will endeavor to comply with a Teacher’s request whenever possible.